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10 Minute Solution: The Body Blaster Collection DVD

A collection of fitness programmes designed to help viewers shed excess weight. 'Blast Off Belly Fat' contains five short workouts presented by Suzanne Bowen 'Flat Belly Fast', 'Pilates Perfect Abs', 'Belly Fat Blaster', 'Ab Ripper' and 'Six Pack Abs'. 'Blast Off Body Fat' features a selection of routines designed to reduce body fat. 'Cardio Hip Hop Blaster' contains five routines which aim to flatten the midriff and enhance general fitness. Each exercise is based around hip hop dance steps and is intended to be fun as well as rewarding. 'Belly, Butt and Thigh Blasters' sees Jessica Smith present five ten-minute workouts designed to fit into even the busiest of schedules 'Better Booty Camp', 'Strong and Slim Thighs', 'Trim and Toned Tummy', 'Lower Body Makeover' and 'Belly Flab Fighter'.
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