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Air Fryer Cookbook: 150 Healthy and Delicious Recipes for Your Brand New Air Fryer Olson LisaPaperback

Are You Ready for Healthy Fried Food?

✓ 150 Recipes
✓ 10 Categories to suit everyone
✓ Photos for each category

If you believe that there's no such thing as a healthy fried food, think twice How about an AIR FRYER? An Air Fryer is a versatile and intelligent kitchen machine with patented technology that utilizes super-heated air to cook food. The machine heats up in a minute; hot air circulates in the specialized chamber so the food is cooked evenly, using a limited amount of oil.

Choosing air frying doesn't mean skimping on flavor. In fact, it means aiming for the healthier versions of our favorite fried foods For instance, vegetables are one of the healthiest and most nutritious foods. The same cannot be said for deep fried vegetables - they are linked to heart diseases, obesity, diabetes, cancer and other
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