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Cultivating Virtue: Self-Mastery with the Saints Tan BooksImitation Leather

How to Master 12 Essential Virtues in 12 Months

On every page Cultivating Virtue imparts the true spirit of the Catholic Faith. This book takes 12 Christian virtues one for each month, with a reading for each day of the year and shows you how to master each one. Featuring episodes and sayings from the lives of the Saints, it covers Perfection, Humility, Mortification, Patience, Meekness, Confidence, Charity, among others.

Master the virtues and set out on your road to becoming a saint by learning directly from the great saints, such as St. Francis de Sales, St. Teresa of Avila, St. Vincent de Paul, St. John of the Cross, St. Jane Frances de Chantal, St. John Chrysostom, and many others.

Cultivating Virtue possesses the unique quality of touching the soul with just a few paragraphs and putting a person in tune with God s view of our affairs. The reader
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