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Gembird Organizátor kabelů 10 m černý KAB050014

Kód: 543074
P/N: KAB050014
EAN: 8716309092005

Záruka: 24 měsíců (pro fyzické osoby nepodnikající)

Spiral wrap is used to organize multiple cables into one single bundle. This versatile cable wrap protects cables from abrasion and allow breakouts of cables for re-routing or replacement at any point in the bundle. It's a flexible, versatile way to organize and protect cables and wires.

Spiral cable wrap for organizing and protecting cables and wires

Flexible, durable and re-usable

Easily applied to electrical harnesses, cables and wire bundles

Material: PE

Colour: black

Diameter: 12 mm

Length: 10 m

Net weight: 0.22 kg
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