100 %
(1 hodnocení)
2 LP
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100 %
(1 hodnocení)
2 LP
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Jeff Wayne's Musical Version of the War of the Worlds - Jeff Wayne LP

High Quality, Gatefold Sleeve
LP11. The Eve of the War2. Horsell Common and the Heat Ray3. The Artilleryman and the Fighting Machine4. Forever Autumn5. Thunder ChildLP21. The Red Weed (Part 1)2. The Spirit of Man3. The Red Weed (Part 2)4. The Artilleryman Returns5. Brave New World6. Dead London (Part 1)7. Dead London (Part 2)8. Epilogue (Part 1)9. Epilogue (Part 2) (Nasa)
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Typ nosiče 2 LP
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