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Korg SyncDancing

Rozsah Tempa:
30 - 252/min (BPM)

0 - 9 beats

Nastavení (typy) rytmu:
Quarter Notes, Duplets, Triplets, Triplets with inner beat omitted, Triplets with the third beat omitted, Quadruplets, Quadruplets with middle beats omitted, Quadruplets with the third and fourth beats omitted

Nastavení hlasitosti:
3 levels

Přesnost tempa:
+/- 0.1

Způsob synchronizace:
Infračervený přenos 

12mm Piezoelektrický reproduktor

Ovládací prvky:
Mode/Power, Sync/Mute, Jog Up/Down

Režim zobrazení: 
Tempo, Beat, Rhythm, Volume, Sync

CR2032 lithium battery (3V)

Životnost baterie:
přibližně 100 hodin (nepřetržitý provoz při nastavení Tempo = 120, Beat = 4, Rhythm = Quarter Notes, Volume = Low) 

49 x 22 x 22 mm

9 g (včetne baterie)

Průměr sluchátka: 
16 mm / 0.63"

Dodávané příslušenství:
CR2032 lithiová baterie (3V), náušník, přenosový obal 

Srovnávací tabulka In-EarMetronome série 


Main PurposeOblast použití
Instrumental practice
Golf practice
Ballroom Dance practice

Tempo Settings
30 - 252/min (BPM)

Beat Settings
0 - 9 beats

Rhythm Settings
Quarter Notes, Duplets, Triplets, Triplets with inner beat omitted, Triplets with the third beat omitted, Quadruplets, Quadruplets with middle beats omitted, Quadruplets with the third and fourth beats omitted

20 songs

Volume Settings
2 levels
3 levels
2 levels
4 levels

Delay Settings
0 - 90 seconds

Tone Settings
Metronome, Metronome and Voice Counts, Voice Counts

Tempo Accuracy
+/- 0.1

Synchronization Communications Method

12mm Piezoelectric Speaker
13mm Dynamic Speaker

Switch Contols
Power, Mode, Jog Up/Down
Mode/Power, Sync/Mute, Jog Up/Down
Power, Mode, Jog Up/Down
Mode/Power, Sync/Mute, Jog Up/Down

Display Modes
Tempo, Beat, Rhythm, Volume
Tempo, Beat, Rhythm, Volume, Sync
Tempo, Beat, Rhythm, Volume
Song, Volume, Delay, Tempo, Beat, Rhythm, Sync

Power Supply
CR2032 lithium battery (3V)

Battery Life
Approximately 200 hours
Approximately 100 hours
Approximately 200 hours
Approximately 5 hours

Dimensions (W x D x H)
49 x 22 x 22 mm / 1.93” x 0.87” x 0.87”

9 g / 0.32 oz.
10 g / 0.35 oz.

Earphone Diameter
16 mm / 0.63"

Included Items
CR2032 lithium battery (3V), Ear Pad, Carrying Case


* All product, company, and standard names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.
* Appearance and specifications of products are subject to change without notice.
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