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Dad Jokes: Hall of Shame: Best Dad Jokes Gifts for Dad 1,000 of the Best Ever Worst Jokes Herald AndyPaperback

From the creators of the popular humor website, HowToBeADad.com, a gift book for every occasion featuring a collection of 1,000 of the most amusing--and most painful--Dad Jokes ever.
Humor is often referred to as the best medicine for many situations, even puns, and this collection of Dad Jokes--guaranteed the most groan-and-forehead-slap-worthy on the market--offers a broad selection of humorous (and often painful) puns and quips. This book is organized by joke theme, includes 100+ illustrations, and is up to date with current events ("Because of the pandemic, they're having to televise the World Origami Championship. It's on paperview.")
The masters at HowToBeADad.com have created the latest and greatest in the Dad Jokes genre, which has seen its top 5 titles sell over 500,000 copies in the last four
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