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beletrie 2008 Penguin Books Burroughs William Seward 166
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Publikace: Junky - Burroughs William Seward. Burroughs' first novel, a largely autobiographical account of the constant cycle of drug dependency, cures and relapses, remains the most unflinching, unsentimental account of addiction ever written. Through junk neighbourhoods in New York, New Orleans and Mexico City, through time spent kicking, time spent dealing and time rolling drunks for money, through junk sickness and a sanatorium, `Junky` is a field report (by a writer trained in anthropology at Harvard) from the American post-war drug underground. A cult classic, it has influenced generations of writers with its raw, sparse and unapologetic tone. This definitive edition painstakingly recreates the author's original text word for word. Publikace: Junky - Burroughs William Seward.
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Žánr beletrie
Rok vydání 2008
Nakladatelství Penguin Books
Autor Burroughs William Seward
Počet stran 166
Výrobce Penguin Books
Vazba Brožovaná
Jazyk anglické
Váha 155 gramů
ISBN 978-0-141-18982-6
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