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On Mission: Devotions for Your Short-Term Trip Knaak PatricPaperback

A missions trip provides unique opportunities to experience God's grace in ways that we often miss during our day-to-day routines. Over time, however, these spiritual lessons tend to be forgotten as the memories of the trip fade. On Mission is an expanded daily devotional guide, designed to help you make the most of your experience by: spiritually preparing for your trip, staying connected to Jesus each day, and reflecting on what God has taught you and finding new ways to stay missionally engaged after you return home.

Mission trip leaders, youth pastors, and pastors will want to use this devotional to guide mission trip participants, provide for in-depth learning together, and spark lifelong change. Each of the ten daily devotionals features a bible passage from Christ's life and ministry, an article to help the reader understand the spiritual lessons of the passage,
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