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Petitfee & Koelf Gold & Snail Hydrogel Eye Patch 84 g

Say goodbye to bags and dark circles with the Gold & Snail Hydrogel Eye Patch!

Hydrogel patches provide a quick refreshing and toning effect, relieve swelling, swelling and smooth the skin. They deeply moisturize and prepare for the application of concealer: it does not clog into pores and folds, does not emphasize roughness, but lays down in an even layer.

Colloidal gold rejuvenates, improves skin firmness and elasticity. Snail mucin smoothes wrinkles and creases, deeply nourishes, brightens dark circles and removes bags under the eyes.

Hydrogel eye patches Gold & Snail Hydrogel Eye Patch is the first aid after a sleepless night.
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