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Remington S 7970

Stupně výhřevnosti: 10
Min. nastavení teploty (°C): 140
Max. nastavení teploty (°C): 230
Doba nahřívání (sek.): 15
Technologie ionizace: ne
Nátěr: Keramika
vypínací automatika: ano
Displej: ano
Délka kabelu (m): 3
Typ: Žehlička na vlasy
Automatická úprava napětí (Volt): 120 - 240
Barva: růžová / zlatá

Remington S7970 Wet 2 Straight Pro Hair Straightener 

Want to create your style faster? The Wet 2 Straight Pro Straightener has Advanced Wet 2 Straight Technology that lets you straighten your hair dry. With the Exclusive Venting System quickly removes excess water meaning you can skip the step of blow-drying and cut your styling time in half*. The Moisture Sensor lets you straighten your hair at the optimum temperature with 3x More Protection*, for healthy-looking, straight results.


Advanced Wet2Straight Technology – Combines an Exclusive Venting System and Moisture Sensor
Exclusive Venting System – 2x Faster Cuts Styling Time in half. Quickly and safely removes excess water on each pass – letting you skip blow drying
Moisture Sensor – 3x More Protection. Adjusts the temperature of the plates on each pass based on your hairs’ water content to ensure optimum temperature is delivered, preventing damage
Ultra-Fast Heat-Up – Ready to use in 15-Seconds
Advanced Ceramic Coated Plates Infused with Frizz Resistant Micro Conditioners for healthy looking, smooth results 
Wet and Dry Mode – Safe for use on wet and dry hair 
Digital Temperature Controls – 10x Temperature Settings up to 230°C for all hair types 
Slim 110 m Floating Plate for even pressure when styling
Storage Pouch 
Swivel Cord and Worldwide Voltage 
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