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Santao Lalla Gustavo - Last Of Us 4LP

TracklistLP11. The Quarantine Zone (20 Years Later)2. The Hour3. The Last of Us4. Forgotten Memories5. The Outbreak6. Vanishing Grace7. The Hunters8. All Gone9. Vanishing Grace (Innocence)10. By Any Means11. The Choice12. Smugglers13. The Last of Us (Never Again)14. The Last of Us (Goodnight)15. I Know What You Are16. Home
LP21. Infected2. All Gone (Aftermath)3. The Last of Us (A New Dawn)4. All Gone (No Escape)5. Vanishing Grace (Childhood)6. The Path7. All Gone (Alone)8. Blackout9. The Way It Was10. Breathless11. The Last of Us (You and Me)12. All Gone (the Outside)13. The Path (A New Beginning)14. Returning
LP31. Fleeting2. All Gone (Seasons)3. Evasion4. All Gone (Partners)5. Cause and Effect6. All Gone (Reunion)7. Stalking8. Left Behind (Together)9. The Capitol10. Head Rush11. Wandering12. All Gone (Overcome)13. Unstable
LP41. The Last of Us (Astray)2. Answers3. Drawn In4. Apprehension5. The Path (Vacant)6. Convergence7. Shadows8. No Mercy9. Fleeting (Affection)10. Extinction11. Consumed12. Left Behind
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