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2014 John Brunner 649 Orion Publishing Co Brožovaná
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2014 John Brunner 649 Orion Publishing Co Brožovaná
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Stand on Zanzibar - Brunner John

There are seven billion-plus humans crowding the surface of 21st-century Earth. It is an age of intelligent computers, mass-market psychedelic drugs, politics conducted by assassination, scientists who burn incense to appease volcanoes ... all the hysteria of a dangerously overcrowded world, portrayed in a dazzlingly inventive style.

Moving, sensory, impressionistic, as jagged as the times it portrays, this book is a real mind stretcher - and yet beautifully orchestrated to give a vivid picture of the whole.
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Rok vydání 2014
Autor John Brunner
Počet stran 649
Výrobce Orion Publishing Co
Vazba Brožovaná
Jazyk anglické
Váha 536 gramů
ISBN 1473206375
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