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Monte Cook Games RPG
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Cypher System Rulebook 2 edice

Příručka druhého vydání pravidel pro RPG systém Cypher, který vám umožní prožít dobrodružství ve stylu epické fantasy (běží na něm např. Numenera RPG), viktoriánského hororu, space opery, špionáže i dalších žánrů. Příručka je v angličtině, má 448 stran. The Cypher System is the critically acclaimed game engine that powers any campaign in any genre. You may have heard of it as the system that drives the award-winning Numenera roleplaying game. Lauded for its elegance, ease of use, flexibility, and narrative focus, the Cypher System unleashes the creativity of GMs and players with intuitive character creation, fast-paced gameplay, and a uniquely GM-friendly design. The 448-page Cypher System Rulebook gives you all the character options, equipment, game rules, special coverage of key genres, creatures, NPCs, and cyphers you need for any game.
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